Why I don’t give lectures anymore
Why I don’t give lectures anymore By Barbara W. Brandom, MD (retired) member of Concerned Health Professionals of Pennsylvania, & Physicians for Social Responsibility Recently I was very happy to visit…
Why I don’t give lectures anymore By Barbara W. Brandom, MD (retired) member of Concerned Health Professionals of Pennsylvania, & Physicians for Social Responsibility Recently I was very happy to visit…
EQAT’s July Action Ramps up the Pressure Against Vanguard By Dawn Kane Under a blazing summer sun, the Earth Quaker Action Team, EQAT, and supporters from around the country came together…
PA Campfire Dispatch Quarterly Announcement and Election Story By Jim Highland: The Editorial Board of the PA Campfire Dispatch has been...busy, for a number of months: busy with environmental organizing,…
Hydrogen Hub Review and Update for PA By Barbara W. Brandom, MD Spotlight PA recently posted:https://www.spotlightpa.org/news/2024/05/pennsylvania-biden-administration-hydrogen-hubs-community-benefits-public-input/), with the title, “Communities fear health, environmental harms as they await more info…
Save the Pollinators! By Dawn KaneSave the Pollinators!By Dawn KaneOne recent afternoon, the sun was shining, and two bumble bees were engaged in a courtship dance as they buzzed around…
Are We Eating the Shirts Off Our Own Backs? Ingenuity, Resourcefulness and Local, Eco-friendly Products from the Cleveland Sewing Company By Jim HighlandInterview with Hannah Mathews, owner of the Cleveland…